PT. Budi Lumbung Cipta Tani is a tapioca processing plant in the Central Java Province of Indonesia. The plant has a design starch production capacity of 100 tons per day. The tapioca process leads to the generation of wastewater with a high organic content. Prior to the Project implementation, wastewater is treated through an open anaerobic lagoon system.

The project activity will involve the installation and operation of a digester for wastewater treatment and biogas extraction. The implementation of the system enables recovery of biogas that would have otherwise been released into the atmosphere and utilize it for electricity generation; the excess biogas is sent to a newly installed open flare system. Prior to the implementation of the Project, electricity consumed at the tapioca starch production facility is supplied from fossil fuel (grid). Under the Project, the collected biogas is utilized for the generation of electricity to be consumed entirely by the tapioca starch manufacturing facility.

key facts

  • The client

Budi Lumbung Cipta Tani

  • Registration under the Clean Development Mechanism

The project was registered in 2012 as Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) projects under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change.

  • Issuance of carbon credits

The project is expected to issue 24,000 tonnes of CO2e emission annually.

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