The project activity involves installation of an advanced anaerobic wastewater treatment and biogas extraction system at a tapioca starch production plant owned by PT. Budi Starch & Sweetener Tbk. The collected biogas is utilized for electricity generation.

By capturing and utilizing biogas, the project activity reduces the methane emissions that previously was emitted from the anaerobic open lagoons. The electricity generated displaces grid electricity for tapioca processing. Any excess biogas is combusted by an enclosed flare system, ensuring no direct release of methane generated by the project activity to the atmosphere. The project is located in Lampung, Indonesia. 

key facts

  • The client

Sumitomo Corporation.

Budi Starch & Sweetener Tbk. (previously known as PT. Budi Acid Jaya) 

  • Registration under the Clean Development Mechanism

The projects were registered in 2007 as Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) projects under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change.

  • Commercial operation

The Project has been in commercial operation since 2008. It successfully renews the 2nd crediting period.

  • Issuance of carbon credits

Issuance of carbon credits for the second verification was approved in October 2014. The project has achieved 312,587 tonnes of CO2 emission reductions so far.

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